Mapping live traffic with ArcGIS Runtime SDK and HERE Technologies using Android App Developer

by Nicholas Pulsone
Geovis Class Project @RyersonGeo, SA8905, Fall 2018

Topic & Background

Driving through congested parts of Toronto is a tedious and troubling problem that many people would like to avoid. The goal was to create a mobile application using android app developer that can use traffic data as a live input to map traffic patterns across North America. Many companies such as HERE Technologies record traffic information that updates regularly and can be used to map and observe traffic patterns across the entire world. Using android app developer, it is easy to add software developer packages such as ArcGIS Runtime SDK to develop new tools that can be used on a day-to-day basis.


The first problem when creating an app for a purpose or goal is where to find the data. As previously mentioned, HERE technologies is a company owned by NOKIA and currently has its headquarters in Amsterdam. HERE technologies records live weather, routing and traffic information using a combination of both geolocation and intelligence algorithms. Geolocation services that HERE tracks include:

  • Devices with location or GPS tracking
  • Tables or other devices with WIFI and signal strength
  • Phones while measuring varying strength of reception via cell tower signals

HERE technologies contains a global database of over 93 million cellular towers and over 2.3 billion Wi-Fi hotspots which record and store data. The data needed to be able to map varying levels of traffic or traffic density as well as potential collisions or other disruptions affecting driving conditions. The data would need to be able to be displayed visually on a mapping platform and accessible by android app developer software.


There are multiple ways a live traffic application can be created using data from HERE technologies:

  1. Creating a live traffic app using HERE API and map creator
  2. Creating a live traffic app using HERE data in ArcGIS Runtime SDK (requires ArcGIS developer license)

The methods in this blog will be describing how to create an application using the data from HERE technologies with ArcGIS Runtime SDK.

The first step is to download the needed requirements. First, is to download the newest version of android app developer studio. Currently, the newest version of Android App developer studio is 3.2.1 and available online for Windows, Mac and Linux. Once android app developer is downloaded, the next step is download the second part of the software that will be used in this creation, which is the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android 4.0.

The second step is to set the back-end of the application. After specifying the operating system the application will work on, and inputting the name of the application, the first thing to set up is include the ESRI bintray for ArcGIS.

As ESRI’s repository is not open source, the url must be specified to manually add the url for the ESRI bintray. Then the app dependencies need to updated to include the ArcGIS Runtime SDK.

Once the Gradle scripts were synced, the next step was to add a map view for the app. By default, we can remove the text view element and manually create a map view with the following syntax:

After adding the map view for the data, the next step was to specify a basemap then access the data:

The above syntax is a sample of how a basemap and starting location can be specified upon opening. The final step was to be able to access the data. HERE technologies has collaborated with ESRI to develop a world traffic service that can be accessed from mobile and desktop services using the url:

Additionally, ESRI and HERE technologies have also created a layer available on the ArcGIS developer portal to users with an ArcGIS developer license. Once the layer is accessible, it is important to open and save the layer in ArcGIS online and enable sharing and public access permissions. As layers used in ArcGIS require a login to be viewed, the next step is to setup a proxy to bypass the login error that would prevent the data from being used, even if permissions are set to public.

To setup a proxy using the ArcGIS developer server proxy, the application must be authenticated and registered in the ArcGIS developer platform. Once registered, the user has access to many services such as a proxy service which will be used along with the traffic layer.

To enable this proxy under services, we must specify what type of proxy service and request limit the proxy will use. Once the requirements are specified, the service outputs a URL which contains a proxy service from ArcGIS.

To use the proxy, simply add the link as a layer from web in ArcGIS online, and the proxy should be active.

Figure 1: Adding Services to ArcGIS Online Map

The final step was to add in the url for the ArcGIS online webmap which contains the traffic data, into android app developer.

Once the url was added into the Android App developer; just click Sync & Run and the app will appear on your device similar to the picture below!

Figure 2: Example of Traffic App


A limitation that was experienced while coding the application was ease of use. Without using a legend or slider, it is very hard to distinguish which areas of Toronto are being affected by what kind of problem. The symbology can be changed, however integrating a legend as a button feature in android app developer was more useful and ultimately was included in the final iteration of the app shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Final Iteration of


Mapping Toronto Green Space in Android

By Jacob Lovie | GeoVis Project Assignment                @RyersonGeo | SA8905 | Fall 2018


With today’s technology becoming more and more mobile, and the ability to access everything you need on your mobile device, it is more important than even to ensure that GIS is evolving to meet these trends. My GeoVisualization project focused on designing an android application to allow users to explore Toronto’s green space and green initiatives, making layers such as parks and bike stations accessible in the palm of your hand. However, it is not just having access to this that is important. What’s important when working with these technologies is that a user can explore the map and retrieve the information seamlessly and efficiently.

Data and Hosting Feature Services

All the data for the project was retrieved from the city of Toronto’s open data portal. From there, all the data was uploaded to ArcGIS Online and set up as hosted feature services. A base map was also designed using ArcGIS for Developers and hosted. The application was able to target these hosted feature layer and use them in the map, making the size of the app small. The symbology and setup of the hosted feature layers was also done in ArcGIS online, so the app didn’t have to make any changes or set symbology when it wasn’t necessary.


The developer environment that I worked in to design my app was Android Studio, the baseline for designing any android apps. The programming language used in Android Studio is Java. Within Android Studio, the functionality of ArcGIS Runtime Software Developer Kit (SDK) for Android can be brought in, bringing in all the libraries and functions associated with ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android. With this I was able to use ArcGIS functionality in android, designing maps, accessing hosted feature services, and perform geoprocessing.

Understanding how ArcGIS SDK for Android worked with in Android Studio was an important key in designing my app. When creating a map, I first had to create a Map object. An object is a variable that is of a certain datatype. If you were talking about having a text object as a variable that could be called, it would be of datatype string, and the word itself would be an object that is callable and referential. The Map object is what is displayed in an activity window (more on this later), which is what the user visualizes when using the app. The map can be set to view a certain area, which was Toronto in my app. A user can pan around the map like they would on any interactive map without having additional coding in Android Studio (it is natural to the Map datatype). The Map also has associated Layer objects that have their own set of parameters.

While designing my app, any time I would want something done in my design, such as creating a map object or adding a layer to a map object, I created a function that wold performs an action. This reduces repetition in the code when I attempted to do something complex multiple times. I designed 3 functions. The first was to create a Map, the second was to add a Layer that could be activated and deactivated in the Map through a switch that would be displayed in the main Activity Window. The final function added a layer that could be queried and would extract information from that layer.

When designing an android app, there are many fine details that are not necessarily considered when using an app on your phone. Simple things like having a window or text appear, opening a second window, or displaying information were things I very much appreciated after designing the app. Within my app, I wanted to display a second activity window to display information on neighbourhoods in Toronto when the user touched them. Within Android Studio this required creating a second activity window, and transferring the information obtained in the map to the second activity. This was done through my displayInformation function. I was then able to create a second activity and display this information using a custom list display to show the attribute data of a selected neighbourhood.


Setting up the display in Android Studio is relatively simple. There is an interface that allows you to anchor different objects to parts of the screen. This allows the app to run smoothly across all devices, not based on the size and ratio of the device. The switches in my Main Activity window were anchored to the top left, and to each other. My Map is in the background, but appears as white in this activity window.

The Application

Once all the coding and testing was completed, running the app was simple. I was able to bundle my code and send it to my personal phone, a Galaxy S9. The functions called the hosted service layers and displayed them in the map (Wifi or internet connection was required). I was also able to click on neighbourhoods and it would open my second activity that displayed the attribute information of that neighbourhood. If you want a more in-depth look at my code, it is available at