Story Swipe Map – 2011 / 2015 Election Results

Geovis Course Assignment, SA8905, Fall 2015 (Rinner)
Author: Austin Pagotto
Link to Web app:
(Note: project may have trouble loading using Chrome – try Internet Explorer)

Project Idea:

The idea of my project was to comprehensively map the past two Canadian federal election results. When looking for visualization methods to compare this data I came across the Swipe feature on the ArcGIS Online story maps. Along with all the interaction features of any ArcGIS online web map, this feature lets the user swipe left and right to reveal either different layers or in my case different maps. As you can see in the screenshot below the right side of the map is showing the provincial winners of the 2015 election while the left side of the map is showing the provincial winners of the 2011 election. The middle line in the middle can be swiped back and forth to show how the provincial winners differed in each election.


Project Execution:

The biggest problem in executing my project was that the default ArcGIS online projection is web Mercator, which greatly distorts Canada. I was able to find documentation from Natural Resources Canada explaining how Lambert Conformal Conic basemaps can be uploaded to an ArcGIS online map and replace the default basemaps.

Another problem with my visualization of the project was that when zoomed to a national scale level, a lot of the individual polling divisions became impossible to see. This creates an issue because each polling division is designed to have a somewhat equal population count in them. So the small ones aren’t less important or less meaningful than the big ones. To solve this, when zoomed out, I changed the symbology to show the party that had won the most seats in each province, so it would show the provincial winner as seen in the previous screenshot. When zoomed in however the individual polling divisions become visible, showing the official name at increased zoom levels. The years of each election were added to the labels to help remind the user what map was on what side.

The methodology I used to create this project was to create two different online maps, one for each election year. Then I created the swipe web app which would allow both of these maps to be loaded and swipeable between the two. It was important here to make sure that all the settings for each map were the exact same (colors, transparency and attribute names).

The data that is shown on my maps were all downloaded from ArcGIS online to Arcmap Desktop and then zipped and reuploaded back to my project.  It was important to change my data’s projection to Lambert Conformal Conic before uploading it so that it wouldn’t have to be reprojected again using ArcGIS online.

This project demonstrated how web mapping applications can make visualizing and comparing data much easier than creating two standalone maps.

Data Sources: Projection/Basemap information from Natural Resources Canada
Election Data from ESRI Canada (downloaded from ArcGIS Online)

Link to Web app:


Preparation of 3D Cube Paper Model of the Shrinking Polar Ice Cap

Geovisualization Project Blog by Katryna Vergis-Mayo for SA8905 (Dr. Rinner)

For this project, I decided to depict the shrinking of the summer polar ice cap through the use of a 3D cube paper model. The idea came from Peter Vojtek’s 3D paper model of the shrinking Aral Sea,

The process starting from the research to the creation of the 3D Paper model included the following steps:

  1. Collect satellite photographic data depicting the shrinkage of the summer polar ice cap over a selected period of time (1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012)
  2. Print the photos for each of the years on letter size paper
  3. Cut out the area of the ice cap (shown in the photos below)
  4. Cut both of the model boards into 4 sections of 10” x 8” to create the inserts for the cube
  5. Trace the cut out of the each stage of the ice cap and the designated area for the year onto the model board
  6. Remove the traced areas with an exacto knife
  7. Cut out letters spelling “Polar Ice Cap” and a snowflake design from the sides of the cube
  8. Paint each model board in a different shade of blue
  9. Write year on corresponding model board with permanent marker
  10. Create the cube and then glue all inserts in chronological order

Data was collected for the years of 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012 from the Earth Observatory website. The data collected was in the form of photographs, and depicts the permanent ice coverage for the corresponding year. Although there is not a drastic difference between each level, it is clear that the permanent ice coverage contracts. The satellite images show that the area of permanent ice coverage in the Arctic during the summer is contracting at a rate of 9% per decade.

The satellite images were collected from, as shown in the screen shot below.

Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 4.28.36 PM

The model materials – model paper, exacto knife, glue and paint – were retrieved from Michael’s arts and crafts store.  Some of the materials used are shown in the following photograph. Other materials used were a black and white printer, a ruler and scissors.

Each cut out of the ice cap to the corresponding year was prepared by saving the images, printing the images and cutting out the area of permanent ice coverage (as shown in the photograph above – one can see the example shown by the 2008 permanent ice coverage cut out which was currently sitting on top of all the other cut outs in the right hand corner). The model boards were prepared by dividing two 16 by 20 inch sheets into eight cut outs. A larger sheet was then cut into three pieces to prepare the outside part of the cube (these three pieces were connected; slits were cut in the folds of the paper in order to allow the board to bend nicely). The 3D cube template, shown in the photo below, was the technique that was used to create the model.

Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 7.10.36 PMRetrieved from:

Once the preparation steps were complete, the model was then ready to make. The next step taken to create the model was tracing each year’s cut out (of the permanent ice coverage) onto the individual model boards (as shown by the second photo). A rectangular section was also cut out for the years to be displayed at each level. This rectangular section became smaller for each layer added (in a descending order), in order to allow the date to be seen at the various levels.


Decorating the sides of the cube was the next step in the process. In order to write “Polar Ice Cap” on the front side of the cube, the letter were first hand drawn onto the paper, than carefully cut out using an exacto knife. On the backside of the cube, a snowflake was hand drawn and once again cut out using an exacto knife. The front and back sides of the cube are shown in the photos to the left and below.


After each layer and the sides of the box were cut out, the boards were then ordered in chronological order. The boards were then painted in various shades of blue, as shown in the photo to the left. The corresponding year was then written onto the model board with either silver or black permanent marker (whichever color was more visible on the painted board).

The final step of the process was gluing all the pieces together. IMG_7648The key to this step was ensuring that each of the layers was put in chronological order, and that each layer was the same distance apart. Ensuring that each layer was the same distance apart (1.25 inches to be exact) allowed the model to accurately depict the shrinking of the ice cap.

The piece that was cut out from the top layer was then glue to the top, to give the box an “opening” look. This piece allowed the model IMG_7652to appear as if an individual opened the top layer to look at the depiction of the shrinking polar ice cap through the 3D model, as shown in the photo below. The final dimensions of the 3D Paper model cube project are 8” x 10” x 10”.

Hello world!

Welcome to! The blog was created as a teaching tool for the graduate course SA8905 Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization in the Master of Spatial Analysis (MSA) program at Toronto Metropolitan University’s Department of Geography and Environmental Studies.

Please read on below or use the search function, categories list, or tag cloud to find posts of interest. Keep in mind that most posts reflect student work summarizing one of two projects that had to be completed within a 12-week term. Happy reading!